Directorty Opus 5 - Magellan
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Text File
781 lines
*=- PROGRAM INFORMATION -=*************************************************************
* CDOpus, ©1996 Leo Davidson *
* Purpose: Conversion of the CDO.dopus5 and OCD.dopus5 scripts. *
* This program can CD to the path of the current DOpus5 source lister... *
* ...or open a new lister with the same path as your shell. *
* (...and it does and bunch of other usefull Shell<->DOpus things too...) *
* To Do: Make the HELP/S text pause when it fills up the shell window. *
* See ASM:Routines/UnUsed/Window_Rows.s for my comments about this. *
*=- ASSEMBLE-TIME SWITCHES -=**********************************************************
* Comment out to disable the effect(s) described. *
;Beta_Version ; Include Debug-Labels, Beta messages, etc.
;Beta_Version_ARexx ; Include runtime-info about ARexx messages sent.
;Test_Pool_On_OS3 ; Force use of non-ROM pool routines, even with OS3+.
DOpus5_Error ; Enable Error messages via DOpus5/"dopus request".
;No_Requesters ; Disable all requester-based output.
; All error messages will be sent to shell.
; Will also turn off "Please insert volume XXX" reqs.
Default_Req ; Make requesters the default for error messages.
*=- VERSION INFORMATION -=*************************************************************
* Things like versions numbers, dates, and the name of the program are all defined *
* here as macros to save having to edit the entire source code. *
* The version strings should conform to the style guide. (Even though I think it *
* isn't the best way to do it, it's a standard :-( ). *
PROGNAM MACRO Program name.
dc.b "CDOpus" /No spaces!/
VERSION MACRO The version of the program.
dc.b "1.7" version.revision - /No leading zeros/
REVDATE MACRO Date of completion.
dc.b "6.1.96" DD.MM.YY - /No leading zeros/
REVDAT2 MACRO Date of completion.
dc.b "06-Jan-1996" /Any format/ (Not in $VER string)
*=- ASSEMBLER INFORMATION/OPTIONS -=***************************************************
Section Super_Main,Code Assemble to Public Memory.
IFD Beta_Version -.
Opt D+ |
Opt hcln |_ Debug info ON
ELSE | for Beta Versions.
Opt D- |
Bra ProgBeg Jump to the start of the program.
VerStr Dc.b "$VER: " -.
IFD Beta_Version |
Dc.b "_DEBUG" |
ENDC |_ For 2.0+ Version Command
Dc.b " " | (At the top to make "Version"
ActVer VERSION | find it quicker!)
Dc.b " (" |
Dc.b ")",0 -'
; Include Asm:Include/Nudel_Constants.i
; include dos/dos.i
; include dos/var.i
; include exec/types.i
; include exec/nodes.i
; include exec/memory.i
; include rexx/storage.i
; include intuition/intuition.i
; include intuition/intuitionbase.i
; include libraries/iffparse.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/dos_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/exec_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/intuition_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/rexxsyslib_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/utility_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/iffparse_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/mathieeedoubbas_lib.i
; include ASM:LVO3.0/graphics_lib.i
Include Nudel_Symbols.gs
* The Variables (Address Equates for Space allocated at program start) *
IFND No_Requesters
N_EasyStruct Equ __RS ;- EasyStruct for EasyRequest ----------------;
N_ES_Length Rs.l 1 Length of the structure.
N_ES_Flags Rs.l 1 Flags (not currently supported).
N_ES_Title Rs.l 1 Ptr to NullTerm Title Text.
N_ES_Body Rs.l 1 Ptr to NullTerm Body Text.
N_ES_Gadgets Rs.l 1 Prt to Gadget(s) Texts.
N_EasyStruct_Len Equ (__RS)-N_EasyStruct
; Nudel Info-Block Stuff ;
FakeNIB Rs.b NIB_SizeOf ;- Fake NIB for setting pseudo-filenames -----;
FakeNIB_Adrs Rs.l 1 Address of FakeNIB (saves a few "lea"'s).
Active_NIB Rs.l 1 Ptr to currently "Active" NIB, or null.
Base_NIB Rs.l 1 Ptr to base NIB in linked list, or null.
Last_NIB Rs.l 1 Ptr to last NIB in linked list, or null.
CAction Rs.l 1 Ptr to current "Action" error message.
CD_NIB Rs.l 1 NIB for locking of new CurrentDir
RDA_Rtn Rs.l 1 Pointer to returned RDArgs structure
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -;
RDA_Array Equ __RS Array of longwords matching template
RDA_Template Equ *
RexxPort_K Rs.l 1
Help_S Rs.l 1
Dc.b "HELP/S,"
Quiet_S Rs.l 1
Dc.b "QUIET/S,"
OpenLister_S Rs.l 1
ReadSource_S Rs.l 1
ReadDest_S Rs.l 1
DoAction_S Rs.l 1
NoFront_S Rs.l 1
NoNew_S Rs.l 1
Dc.b "NONEW/S,"
Dir_K Rs.l 1
Dc.b "DIR=PATH/K,"
Source_S Rs.l 1
Dc.b "SOURCE/S,"
Dest_S Rs.l 1
Dc.b "DEST/S,"
Lock_S Rs.l 1
Dc.b "LOCK/S,"
Dimensions_K Rs.l 1
ActPat_K Rs.l 1
ActCom_K Rs.l 1
ActClose_S Rs.l 1
VarSource_S Rs.l 1
VarDest_S Rs.l 1
Global_S Rs.l 1
RDA_Temp_Len Equ *-RDA_Template
Dc.b 0
; Pseudo-Switch (setup in "Setup" routine).
NoReq_S Rs.l 1
LibBases_Start Equ __RS
LibData_Start Equ *
; NOTE: The open_lib_error routine requires lib-versions < 100
N_DOSBase Rs.l 1
DOSName_Ptr Dc.l N_DOSName-LibNames_Start
DOSVers Dc.l 37
N_RexBase Rs.l 1
RexName_Ptr Dc.l N_RexName-LibNames_Start
RexVers Dc.l 0
IFND No_Requesters
N_IntBase Rs.l 1
IntBase_Ptr Dc.l N_IntName-LibNames_Start
IntVers Dc.l 37
LibBases_Finish Equ __RS
NumLibs Equ (LibBases_Finish-LibBases_Start)/4
LibNames_Start Equ *
IFND No_Requesters
N_IntName INTNAME Required by Open_Libraries_Error rtn.
STD_F_1 Rs.b 1 Standard files.
EVEN_F_1 Rs.b 1 (Here as an Even)
DosRtnC Rs.l 1 Return code for DOS. (-> d0 at end)
; RawDoFmt() Stuff ;
RDF_Size Rs.l 1 Size of RawDoFmt() buffer.
RDF_Adrs Rs.l 1 Address of RawDoFmt() buffer.
RDF_Array Equ __RS
RDF_1_Long Rs.l 1 -.
RDF_2_Long Rs.l 1 |_ DataArray
RDF_3_Long Rs.l 1 | for RawDoFmt()
RDF_4_Long Rs.l 1 -'
StarStk Rs.l 1 Original Stack Pointer.
PoolHead Rs.l 1 Header for program's memory pool.
CLI_Hdl Rs.l 1 Output CLI (or whatever) handle.
NudelPort Rs.l 1 Pointer to our MsgPort.
NudelRexxMsg Rs.l 1 Pointer to our RexxMsg.
CRexxPort Rs.l 1 Ptr to name of current Rexx host to talk to.
Buffer1Len Equ 1024
Buffer1 Rs.b Buffer1Len Buffer for anything
Buffer2Len Equ 1024
Buffer2 Rs.b Buffer2Len Buffer for anything
IFD Beta_Version_ARexx
BufferALen Equ 1024
BufferA Rs.b BufferALen Buffer for ARexx beta messages.
PathBuffer1Len Equ 512
PathBuffer1 Rs.b PathBuffer1Len
Source_HandleLen Equ 42
Source_Handle Rs.b Source_HandleLen
Temp001 Rs.l 1 -._ For temp storage
Temp002 Rs.l 1 -' in routines.
NULLEND Equ __RS ;- Overlays Start Here -----------------------;
LENVARS Equ __RS ;- End of variables/overlays -----------------;
*=- MAIN PROGRAM -=********************************************************************
* Calls the subroutines. *
ProgBeg Bsr.s Setup Allocate Mem and initialize stuff.
Bsr Help Send help text, if requested.
Bsr.s Choose_Routine Call the appropriate routine.
Bra Finish Close/Deallocate everything and exit.
Tst.l OpenLister_S(a5)
Beq.s Choose_S1
Bra Get_CD_And_Open_Do_It_OpenLister
Tst.l ReadSource_S(a5)
Beq.s Choose_S2
Bra Get_CD_And_Open_Do_It_ReadSource
Tst.l ReadDest_S(a5)
Beq.s Choose_S3
Bra Get_CD_And_Open_Do_It_ReadDest
Tst.l VarSource_S(a5)
Beq.s Choose_S4
Bra Set_Source_Env_Do_It
Tst.l VarDest_S(a5)
Beq.s Choose_S5
Bra Set_Dest_Env_Do_It
Tst.l DoAction_S(a5)
Beq.s Choose_S6
Bra Do_Action_Do_It
Bra Get_Path_And_Change_Do_It
*=- SETUP -=***************************************************************************
* Allocate Memory, Open Libraries, Parse Commandline, etc *
* This MUST be the first Subroutine run. *
Setup Move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_CLEAR,d0 Public, Cleared mem.
Move.l #5120,d1 Puddle size = 5k.
Move.l #5120,d2 Thresh size = Puddle size.
Bsr AsmCreatePool Create this prog's mem pool.
Move.l a0,-(SP) Preserve PoolHeader
Bne.s SGotMm1 -.
Addq.l #4,a7 |_ If Allocation failed, Quick Exit.
Moveq #RETURN_FAIL,d0 | pool and do a quick exit.
RTS -'
SGotMm1 Move.l #LENVARS,d0 Size of variables' memory
;;;;;;; Move.l a0,a0 PoolHeader to a0 for allocation.
Bsr AsmAllocPooled Allocate for the variables.
Move.l (SP)+,a0 Restore PoolHeader
Move.l d0,a5 Put variable/overlay address into A5
Tst.l d0 (Moves to a? don't set CCR).
Bne.s SGotMm2 -.
Bsr AsmDeletePool |
Addq.l #4,a7 |- If Allocation failed, delete the
Moveq #RETURN_FAIL,d0 | pool and do a quick exit.
RTS -'
SGotMm2 Move.l a0,PoolHead(a5) Store header of memory pool.
Lea FakeNIB(a5),a0 -._ Store address of FakeNIB(a5)
Move.l a0,FakeNIB_Adrs(a5) -' for quick access later.
Move.l #RETURN_OK,DosRtnC(a5) Default DOS return code: "OK".
Lea NULLEND(a5),a0 -.
Lea Over01(pc),a1 | Copy Overlay
Move.l #(LENOVER/2)-1,d0 |- Backings onto
OverPrL Move.w (a1)+,(a0)+ | Overlay Space (word moves)
DBra d0,OverPrL -'
Move.l a7,StarStk(a5) Store Stack Pointer
Addq.l #4,StarStk(a5) Compensate for this being a subrout.
IFND No_Requesters
SetReqDefault Set default to requester/shell.
Bsr Open_Libraries Open libraries.
N_CallDOS Output -._ Get output Handle
Move.l d0,CLI_Hdl(a5) -' (CLI window or whatever)
;;;;;;; Setup any non-zero default values for switch options here (below).
Bsr RArgNor Parse the commandline with ReadArgs
Tst.l NoNew_S(a5)
Bne.s NoNew_S_Skip
BSet #SF1_NewListers,STD_F_1(a5) Get(Source|Dest)Handle: Allow new listers
Tst.l RexxPort_K(a5) -._ If RexxPort not given on CmdLine,
Beq.s Setup_RP_UseDef -' use the default one.
Move.l RexxPort_K(a5),CRexxPort(a5) Else, use RexxPort from CmdLine.
Bra.s Setup_RP_UsedCmd
Lea Def_RexxPort(pc),a0
Move.l a0,CRexxPort(a5)
Tst.l ReadSource_S(a5) -.
Bne.s Dont_KillReqs |
Tst.l ReadDest_S(a5) |_ If any of the Shell->Opus commands,
Bne.s Dont_KillReqs | leave Error-Requesters ON.
Tst.l OpenLister_S(a5) |
Bne.s Dont_KillReqs -'
Move.l #1,NoReq_S(a5) Else, all Errors to the shell.
Bra.s CreateNudelPort Create our MsgPort.
;;;;;;; RTS for us.
Dc.b "DOPUS.1",0
*=- FINISH -=**************************************************************************
* Close Everything Down, Return Memory Etc to System and End Program *
* All routines in this section MUST make sure that what they are about to free back *
* to the system has actually been taken in the first place! (With the exception of *
* the Main-Variable memory: if this could not be allocated the program will have *
* quit without calling Finish.) *
* The Finish routine may be called from sub-routines at any level because the *
* original stack-pointer is restored so that RTS always quits the prog. *
IFD Beta_Version
Bsr_ErrorN ErrAct_FinishBetaMsg(pc),#0
Bsr DeleteNudelRexxMsg Delete our RexxMsg (also clears arguments).
Bsr.s DeleteNudelPort Delete our MsgPort
Bsr NIBs_DeleteAll Delete all Nudel-Info-Blocks :-)
Bsr FArgNor Free the commandline related memory.
Bsr Close_Libraries Close all open libraries.
Move.l StarStk(a5),a7 Ignore all Branches.
Move.l DosRtnC(a5),-(SP) Store DOS return code...
Bsr LeoDeletePool Free the entire memory pool.
Move.l (SP)+,d0 Return code to d0 for DOS.
RTS End Program
IFD Beta_Version
Dc.b "Finish routine run",0
*=- EXTERNAL SUB-ROUTINES -=***********************************************************
* Sub-routines stored in external "library" files. *
; OS Subroutines. ;
SYS_CLIRITE ; Write text using CLI_Hdl(a5) as output handle.
SYS_READARG ; ReadArgs() routine.
SYS_FREEARG ; FreeArgs() routine.
SYS_CHKCRTC ; Check for ^C-Break and abort program if sent.
SYS_PORTS ; CreateMsgPort(), DeleteMsgPort() routines.
Include ASM:Source/Routines/System.s
; Data Subroutines. (Number/String Handling, etc etc) ;
DATA_NULLLEN ; Calculate the length of a Null-Term String.
DATA_COPYCN3 ; Copy chars with Null-Term, don't copy Null, no Length
DATA_CHARCNT ; Copy x chars with Null-Term
DATA_CHARCOPNL ; Copy x chars with Null-Term and specified terminator.
DATA_NUM2ASC ; Raw Number to ASCII conversion.
DATA_RAWDOFMT ; RawDoFmt() routine.
Include ASM:Source/Routines/Data.s
; NudelInfoBlock Subroutines. ;
Include ASM:Source/Routines/NIB.s
; Directory Opus 5 Subroutines. ;
DO5_GetSource ; Get first source handle.
DO5_GetDest ; Get first destination handle.
DO5_GetPath ; Get the path of a lister.
DO5_NewLister ; Open a new lister.
DO5_SetPath ; Set (read) a new path into a lister.
DO5_ListerSet ; Generic "Lister Set..." routine.
DO5_Command ; Generic "command..." routine.
DO5_GenError ; Error message for things which really shouldn't go wrong.
DO5_ListerWait ; Wait for a lister to finish what it's doing.
DO5_DOpusFront ; Move the DOpus screen to the front, unless "NoFront/S"
DO5_ListClose ; Close a lister (does "wait" first).
Include ASM:Source/Routines/DOpus5_ARexx.s
; Other routines. ;
Include ASM:Source/Routines/ARexx.s
Include ASM:Source/Routines/Pool.s
Include ASM:Source/Routines/OpenLibraries.s
*=- HELP -=****************************************************************************
* Send the help text and exit if they gave that switch to ReadArgs() *
Help Tst.l Help_S(a5) Have they asked for help on cmd line?
Bne.s Help_
RTS If not, return.
Lea HelpTxt(pc),a0 -.
Move.l #HelpLen,d3 |- Output Help Text.
Bsr CLIRite -'
Bra Finish Finish the program.
HelpTxt Dc.b 10,155,"32;1m"
Dc.b " "
Dc.b " ",155,"0m[",155,"33m"
Dc.b 155,"0m] ",155,"32m- ",155,"33m© Leo ",155,"0m'Nudel'",155,"33m Davidson",155,"32m for Gods'Gift Utilities",155,"0m",10
Dc.b 10
Dc.b 155,"0;32mThis program can CD to the path of the current DOpus5 ",155,"4msource",155,"0;32m lister,",10
Dc.b 155,"0;32;1mor ",155,"0;32mread the shell's path into a new lister or the ",155,"4msource",155,"0;32m/",155,"4mdest",155,"0;32m lister.",10
Dc.b 155,"0m100% Assembler Code for AmigaOS 2 or above - ",155,"1mMay be made resident.",155,"0m",10
Dc.b 155,'0mType "CDOpus ?" for ReadArgs() command template.',10
Dc.b 10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mGeneric:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m RexxPort ",155,'0m Specify a differnt port to talk to, instead of "DOPUS.1".',10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Help ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mBrings up this text.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mModes:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m <DEFAULT> ",155,"0m CD to 'source' lister's path.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m OpenLister ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mRead path into a new lister.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m DoAction ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mRead path into new 'source' lister.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m ReadSource ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mRead path into the 'source' lister.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m ReadDest ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mRead path into the 'dest' lister.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m VarSource ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mSet CDOSource environment variable.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m VarDest ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mSet CDODest environment variable.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mCD mode only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Quiet ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mDon't echo the new path to the shell.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mOpenLister/DoAction/Read modes only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m NoFront ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mDon't pop the DOpus screen to front.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Dir ",155,"0m Specify a different directory to read, instead of <CD>.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mOpenLister mode only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Source ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mMake new lister the 'Source' lister.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Dest ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mMake new lister the 'Dest' lister.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Lock ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mLock new lister as Source/Dest.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mOpenLister/DoAction modes only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Dimensions ",155,"0m Specify different lister dimensions in x/y/w/h format.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mDoAction mode only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m ActPat ",155,"0m Specify files to select.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m ActCom ",155,"0m Specify DOpus5 command to execute.",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m ActClose ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mClose lister on completion.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mRead modes only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m NoNew ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mDisable automatic openning of new listers.",10
Dc.b 155,"0;33mVar mode only:",10
Dc.b " ",155,"43;32m Global ",155,"0m ",155,"3mSwitch: ",155,"0mSet global variable instead of local.",10
Dc.b 10
HelpLen Equ *-HelpTxt
* Routine for getting the Source Lister's path and CD'ing to it. *
Sub.l d0,d0 Abort if there isn't a source lister.
Bsr GetSourceHandle Source handle -> Source_Handle(a5)
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Handle to get path of.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a1 -._ Buffer to
Move.w #PathBuffer1Len,d7 -' write into.
Bsr GetListerPath Lister path -> PathBuffer1(a5)
Tst.l Quiet_S(a5) -._ Skip output of new dir
Bne.s Quiet_Skip -' if "Quiet" switch given.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a0 New path...
Move.l a0,d2 To d2 to CLIRit2
Bsr NullLen Find length...
Move.l d0,d3 ...to d3.
Bsr CLIRit2 Output to the shell.
Lea Return_Char(pc),a0 -.
Moveq #Return_Char_Len,d3 |- Write a return after it.
Bsr CLIRite -'
Bra.s Quiet_Skip
Dc.b 10
Return_Char_Len Equ *-Return_Char
; For CD to be complete, must call BOTH SetCurrentDir() and SetCurrentDirName() ;
Bsr Create_NIB Create a new NudelInfoBlock for Lock()ing...
Move.l Active_NIB(a5),a1 NIB Pointer to a1
Move.l a1,CD_NIB(a5) Store our NIB pointer.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a2 -._ Pointer to returned path as
Move.l a2,NIB_NameAdrs(a1) -' the filename of our new NIB.
Move.l CD_NIB(a5),Active_NIB(a5) Make it active.
Moveq #ACCESS_READ,d2 Do a read (shared) lock.
Bsr Lock_NIB Get a lock() on the path.
Tst.l d0
Beq_ErrorE ErrAct_Lock(pc),Active_NIB(a5)
Move.l CD_NIB(a5),a0
Move.l NIB_Lock(a0),d1
N_CallDOS CurrentDir Set new current dir.
Move.l CD_NIB(a5),a0
Move.l d0,NIB_Lock(a0) Replace lock with the old CD's lock.
;;;;;;; (We must unlock the OLD CD's lock, but not the lock of the CD we set)
Move.l CD_NIB(a5),Active_NIB(a5) -._ Delete the CD_NIB, which
Bsr Delete_NIB -' includes UnLock()'ing.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a0
Move.l a0,d1 New dir path -> d1 for SetCDN()
Move.l d1,NIB_NameAdrs+FakeNIB(a5) Set pseudo-filename in FakeNIB.
N_CallDOS SetCurrentDirName
Tst.l d0
Beq_ErrorE ErrAct_SetCurrentDirName(pc),FakeNIB_Adrs(a5)
Dc.b "Could not set current directory name",0
* Routine for getting the current dir and openning a new Lister in it. *
Dc.b "Could not find the current directory",0
; ReadSource variant. ;
Moveq #1,d0 Open new source if one doesn't exist.
Bsr GetSourceHandle Source handle -> Source_Handle(a5)
Bra.s Get_CD_And_Open_Do_It_Read_Main Rest as for ReadDest
; ReadDest variant. ;
Moveq #1,d0 Open new dest if one doesn't exist.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a1 -.
Move.w #Source_HandleLen,d7 |- Dest handle -> Source_Handle(a5)
Bsr GetDestHandle_ToBuffer -'
Bsr DOpusFront DOpus screen to front.
Bsr.s Get_CD_And_Open_Get_Path Path -> a0
Move.l a0,a1 Path -> a1
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Handle -> a0
Sub.l d0,d0 Don't force into current path buffer.
Bsr ReadListerPath Make the lister read the new path.
; OpenLister variant. ;
Bsr.s Get_CD_And_Open_Get_Path Path -> a0
Move.l Dimensions_K(a5),a1 Dimensions, or NULL (valid).
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a2 -._ Buffer to write
Move.w #Source_HandleLen,d7 -' handle into.
Bsr NewLister Open the new lister.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Lister handle.
Sub.l a1,a1 Default to "off" (not source or dest)
Sub.l a2,a2 Default to "unlocked"
Tst.l Source_S(a5) -.
Beq.s Source_S_Skip |- "Source", if requested,
Lea Set_Source_SubCommand(pc),a1 -' else check for "Dest"
Bra.s Dest_S_Skip
Tst.l Dest_S(a5) -.
Beq.s Get_CD_ListerSet_Skip |- "Dest", if requested,
Lea Set_Dest_SubCommand(pc),a1 -' else don't do a set at all.
Tst.l Lock_S(a5) -.
Beq.s Lock_S_Skip |- "Lock", if requested.
Lea Set_Lock_SubCommand(pc),a2 -'
Bsr ListerSet Set Source/Dest/Lock.
; Point a0 to CD or Dir_S. ;
Tst.l Dir_K(a5) Did they specify a directoy?
Bne.s Get_CD_Use_Dir_K If so, use it, else get CurrentDir.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a0 -._ Buffer to write
Move.l a0,d1 -' CurrentDir into.
Move.l #PathBuffer1Len,d2 Size of the Buffer.
N_CallDOS GetCurrentDirName CD -> Buffer.
Tst.l d0
Beq_ErrorE ErrAct_GetCurrentDirName(pc),#0
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a0 Path to read.
Move.l Dir_K(a5),a0 Path to read.
* Routine for getting the Dest Lister's path and setting the CDOSource variable *
Sub.l d0,d0 Abort if there isn't a dest lister.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a1 -.
Move.w #Source_HandleLen,d7 |- Dest handle -> Source_Handle(a5)
Bsr GetDestHandle_ToBuffer -'
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Handle to get path of.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a1 -._ Buffer to
Move.w #PathBuffer1Len,d7 -' write into.
Bsr GetListerPath Lister path -> PathBuffer1(a5)
Lea Dest_Var_Name(pc),a0 Name of variable to set.
Bra.s SSE_Com Rest common to Set_Source_Env.
* Routine for getting the Source Lister's path and setting the CDOSource variable *
Sub.l d0,d0 Abort if there isn't a source lister.
Bsr GetSourceHandle Source handle -> Source_Handle(a5)
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Handle to get path of.
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a1 -._ Buffer to
Move.w #PathBuffer1Len,d7 -' write into.
Bsr GetListerPath Lister path -> PathBuffer1(a5)
; Now we set the variable. ;
Lea Source_Var_Name(pc),a0 -._ Name of
SSE_Com Move.l a0,d1 -' Variable
Lea PathBuffer1(a5),a0 -._ Buffer containing
Move.l a0,d2 -' the path string.
Moveq #-1,d3 Buffer is null-terminated.
Move.l #GVF_LOCAL_ONLY,d4 Specify local variable...
Tst.l Global_S(a5) Did they ask for a global variable?
Beq.s SSEDING If not, leave it as local.
Move.l #GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY,d4 Else, set it to a global variable.
Move.l d1,NIB_NameAdrs+FakeNIB(a5) Set pseudo-filename in FakeNIB.
N_CallDOS SetVar Set the variable.
Tst.l d0
Beq_ErrorE ErrAct_SetEnvVar(pc),FakeNIB_Adrs(a5)
Dc.b "CDOSource",0
Dc.b "CDODest",0
Dc.b "Could not set environment variable ",0
* Routine for reading path into new Source lister, selecting files + running command. *
Bsr Get_CD_And_Open_Get_Path Path -> a0
Move.l Dimensions_K(a5),a1 Dimensions, or NULL (valid).
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a2 -._ Buffer to write
Move.w #Source_HandleLen,d7 -' handle into.
Bsr NewLister Open the new lister.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Lister handle.
Lea Set_Source_SubCommand(pc),a1 Make it the source lister.
Sub.l a2,a2 ("unlocked")
Bsr ListerSet Set lister as Source
; If the path is buffered by Opus it could have some files selected, so command none. ;
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Lister handle.
Lea Command_None_SubCommand(pc),a1 "none"
Sub.l a2,a2 No second argument.
Bsr ListerCommand De-select all files.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 -._ Lister wait
Bsr ListerWait -' is required.
; Select files in the new lister if a pattern was given on the command line. ;
Tst.l ActPat_K(a5) -._ Skip if no select
Beq.s DADI_SP -' pattern given.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Lister handle
Lea Command_Select_SubCommand(pc),a1 "select name"
Move.l ActPat_K(a5),a2 Pattern to select.
Bsr ListerCommand Select the entries.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 -._ Lister wait
Bsr ListerWait -' is required.
Dc.b "select name",0
Dc.b "none",0
; Issue command if one was given on the command line. ;
Tst.l ActCom_K(a5) -._ Skip if no
Beq.s DADI_SK -' command given.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Lister handle.
Move.l ActCom_K(a5),a1 Command to issue.
Sub.l a2,a2 No second argument.
Bsr ListerCommand
; Close the lister now, if requested to (handles lister-wait by itself). ;
Tst.l ActClose_S(a5) -._ Skip if not asked
Beq.s DADI_SC -' to close the lister.
Lea Source_Handle(a5),a0 Lister handle.
Bsr ListerClose Close the lister.